Commentary: The Truth About the Invasion Heading Toward the Southern Border


While the Leftist establishment media has been trying to brainwash Americans into believing that the “caravan” of aliens who are threatening to cross our southern border illegally are doing so without organization or logistical support from traitors inside America, our friends independent investigative journalist Sara Carter, Nolan Peterson of the Heritage Foundation’s Daily Signal and independent film maker Ami Horowitz have documented a starkly different story.

Peterson reported on a large group of aliens camped in Mexico City, the first and largest of five migrant “caravans” traversing through Mexico and headed north. Altogether, says Peterson, they comprise roughly 12,000 people, mainly from the three Central American countries of El Salvador, Guatemala, and Honduras.

In a scene not unlike when a coach rallies his players before a big game, Peterson reports organizers pressed the encircling migrants on the night of Nov. 7 not to give up on their “mission” to achieve the U.S. border.

“It’s your right to go to the U.S.,” Milton Benitez, a political analyst and sociologist who hosts the Honduran TV show “El Perro Amarillo,” implored the impassioned crowd.

‘These caravans are very well orchestrated,” one Mexican official who asked not to be named told Peterson. “We’ve seen signals that there is money. The signals are different from the typical flow of migrants.”

Peterson reports that Benitez, the Honduran television personality, is also a member of Pueblo Sin Fronteras, or People Without Borders, according to Mexican news reports.

People Without Borders is a Chicago-based nonprofit that has organized multiple migrant caravans aimed at the U.S. border. The nonprofit notably organized a caravan of Central American migrants in April known as the Migrants’ Way of the Cross.

As we previously reported, the “caravan” is supported by the coalition CARA Family Detention Pro Bono Project, which includes Catholic Legal Immigration Network (CLIN), the American Immigration Council (AIC), the Refugee and Immigration Center for Education and Legal Services (RICELS) and the American Immigration Lawyers Association (AILA) – thus the acronym CARA.

It should be noted that there are deep ties between the Leftwing activists attacking the border and corporate and foundation sponsorship, as Pueblo Sin Fronteras has been recognized as a member of the National Day Laborer Network – a group affiliated with United for Justice and Peace, Caravan Against Fear and the Freedom Road Socialist Organization.

Furthermore, as WND has reported, “At least three of the four groups are funded by George Soros’ Open Society Foundation.”

People Without Borders, however, insisted the caravan encamped in Mexico City was a grassroots, spontaneous movement.

“Look, this started in Honduras as a united caravan. All of it,” said Oscar Noel Bonilla, a Honduran worker for the group who was organizing logistics. “There’s no director. No leader. Pueblo Sin Fronteras just provides the aid. They talk with immigration, federal officers.”

The facts on the ground belie the group’s claims that they are not leading the invasion force; the nonprofit’s organizers urge migrants to press on and offer seminars to prepare them for questions at the U.S. border from officials charged with verifying asylum claims.

However, despite their prolific presence and influence, Mr. Peterson reports the organizers from People Without Borders still claim they were not in control of the caravan.

Peterson reports an American immigration lawyer named Javier, who asked that his last name not be published, said the migrants only trust Pueblo Sin Fronteras.

“They don’t trust anyone,” Javier said. “They’re very skeptical of what they hear from anyone other than organizers or their families. They think the Mexican refugee status offer was a trick, because the organizers told them so.”

A traitorous group of American immigration lawyers circulated in the encampment in Mexico City, easily identified by orange and white baseball hats that said in Spanish: “I Support Asylum in the U.S.”

Peterson reports American lawyers were with the “caravan” as part of People Without Borders’ effort to educate migrants about the U.S. asylum process. Some of the lawyers said they learned about the operation from group email lists.

David Inserra, a policy analyst for homeland security at The Heritage Foundation, traveled to Mexico City to observe the caravan firsthand.

“Based on the interviews I witnessed, most [migrants] do not have a valid asylum claim,” Inserra said. “Most talked about wanting a better life, a job, or perhaps getting away from society-wide criminality.”

The U.S. government has used radio and social media to transmit information about the asylum process. For its part, the Mexican government’s communications efforts include deploying field teams to attempt to inform migrants, face to face, about the asylum offer.

Still, the information is not cutting through.

The reason for the failure, U.S. and Mexican officials say, reports Peterson, is that their campaigns compete with disinformation from caravan organizers, as well as criminal elements such as smugglers and human traffickers. All have a vested interest in keeping the caravans northbound.

Supporting Nolan Peterson’s reporting is a must-see video by film maker Ami Horowitz.

Sara Carter reports Horowitz’s stunning new footage from deep inside the ‘migrant caravan’ making its way towards the United States’ southern border reveals the shocking truth behind the impending crisis.

Horowitz’s documentary is shot from the streets alongside the Central American migrants as she speaks with those hoping to enter the United States as asylum seekers, hearing first-hand accounts of their journey north.

“We’ve been hearing a lot about the ‘migrant caravan’ in the news… A lot has been said about this caravan, so I’ve decided to go down and find out for myself,” says Horowitz.

“Despite the framing of the caravan being full of women and children, the reality on the ground is quite different. Approximately 90% to 95% are male,” he adds.

Watch ‘The Truth Behind the Caravan” through this link (note there’s an ad at the front but it is worth the wait).

The establishment media would like Americans to believe that thousands of Hondurans spontaneously got together, packed their lunches and set off for a 2,000-mile march to the United States, where they expect us to provide them with jobs, social services, education and more.

We urge all CHQ readers and friends to join us in demanding that the United States government act to use every humane means necessary to prevent this invasion from entering the territory of the United States.








Reprinted with permission from

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2 Thoughts to “Commentary: The Truth About the Invasion Heading Toward the Southern Border”

  1. Scott

    Pathetically paranoia inspired lies you publish. Aren’t you embarrassed to call this an invasion just 70 years after our nation faced real threats to our freedom and 400,000 Americans gave their lives around the world for the workd’s freedom.

  2. Jill Blomberg

    Stop them at the border by any means necessary to stop any invasion!
